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Australian Red Dairy Breed Herd



"Cluain" property name and stud prefix comes from an Irish Gaelic word meaning green pastures or grassland.

Cluain red genetics provides affordable access to rugged, productive, easy care dairy cows.

We calve around 500 registered Australian Red Dairy Breed cows per year on a grassland grazing system.

Our cows are bred to be hearty eaters to support their production levels.  Some current statistics based on data from July 2017 annual farm reports:

  • Average live weight per cow 620 kilograms.

  • Average age at last calving is 49 months.

  • 3.3 dry matter tonnes of grazed pasture in lactation periods.

  • 1.93 dry matter tonnes of home grown fodder in both lactation and dry periods.

  • 2.4 dry matter tonnes of grain during lactation periods.

Average of  612 kilograms of milks solids per 316 day lactation period as at July 2019.

For more information jump to our About Our Herd page.

For those who have wondered where we get our business identity from, the term "Run" is an old colonial term seldom used nowadays.

"Run" as defined by Macquarie Australian Dictionary -


  • definition #3: to hurry; go quickly.

  • definition #19: to flow, as a liquid or a body of liquid, or as sand, grain, or the like.

  • definition #55: to keep (livestock), as on pasture.

  • definition #73: to conduct, administer, or manage, as a business, an experiment, or the like.


  •  definition #117: a large area of grazing land; a rural property; a grazing run; a sheep run.


  • definition #136: in the long run - ultimately.

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